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[Time's Up Newsletter] AsTron at HAIP Festival, Ljubljana

AsTron, recently completed in collaboration with Zden Hlinka (Bratislava) and Martin Greunz (Vienna), will be premiered at the HAIP festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The festival starts on Tuesday 17th October. There will be a presentation of Time's Up as part of the festival at 8pm on Thursday 19th October.

AsTron is a development using one of the Gravitron interfaces as a human joystick control with a classic style adventure game. Mixing "old-skool" graphics styles with Zden's trademark organic 2D work*, the visual world of AsTron is a treat. Martin Greunz's soundscape similarly bridges the gap between old style gaming and contemporary bitcrushed electronica%.

The talk on Thursday will investigate many of the uses and misuses of games in Time's Up's work, illuminate some connections with theatre and narrative as well as discuss the techniques used in the development of AsTron and other pieces.

* level1 character animation by
Lubomir Lednar (Scape)
% level2 audio by analoguesamples.com

if level1+2+3_done then source_code_release